I have this vague recollection that all objects, both organic and inorganic, emit some sort of signal or energy. Either that, or they're all vibrating at various frequencies. Can anyone confirm this?
To elaborate, I'm trying to put together some pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo that, while it might be complete nonsense, manages to have some kind of tenuous connection with reality. I also want it to have its own internal logic so that, however far-fetched and unlikely, it makes sense within itself - if you see what I mean.
The scenario is that A Scientist (we'll call him Fred) will be attaching a transmitter to his test objects. Fred has a gizmo that homes in on the unique signal/frequency/whatever of the transmitter and does its oh-so-clever thing on the test objects. However, Fred has overlooked the fact that certain other objects (or people) might actually send out signals at the same frequency or whatever. Oops. Gizmo starts doing its oh-so-clever thing on objects he didn't intend for it to work on. Disaster ensues.
Any help greatly appreciated (but don't make it too technical!)