It's official. I'm shocked. Shocked and delighted. Thank you very, very much to all those people who voted for A Gift From Shetland and gave me my first ever Kerth Award. It's not something I expected to happen.

I know that the Kerth Awards are not the be-all-and-end-all of fanfic writing (I'd have given up long since if they were!), and I know that to get on the ballot is a major achievement in its own right… but to finally win something…

Mind you, that blue ribbon is going to really mess up the red theme I've got going on the archive page!

That you've helped me win for A Gift From Shetland gives the award a greater meaning on a personal level for me.

When I wrote the story, I had no idea that I would end up living on Shetland for a summer. (If you have ever wondered where I disappeared to last year, now you know (part of it, anyway).) I wrote the story because I fell in love with the place when I went there on holiday. Having spent more time there, I find the story still holds a special place in my affections, as do the islands, themselves.

A Gift… is not a story that I ever really expected to get nominated, let alone win anything, for the simple reason that it is pretty quirky. That it did both gives me more confidence to continue writing and experimenting.

Thank you again, and a congratulation to all the other -- oh, how I like that word! -- winners.

Thank you, also, to the Kcomm for organising the awards once again… and may those of you seeking it have a very happy retirement! wink
