Was Wendy's Second thoughts also an Nfic originally? Because I have a hard time understanding why she wasn't at least nominated with that one. (Incredible episode adaptation, an A-plot that made Luthor look like a true evil mastermind. Lois was actually allowed to make sense.
Wow, thank you! But, honestly, it's all a question of what other stories are around in any given year, and it's also personal tastes, too. The Kerths aren't a matter of a committee somewhere deciding what's good enough to win. They're all decided by FoLCs: people like you and me. smile

FoLCs nominate stories they enjoyed in the categories you've seen. If your story gets enough nominations, it ends up on the shortlist. But there are only five or six nomination slots for any category, so if there are lots of excellent stories in any given year - as there usually are - a story you might have nominated because you thought it was good might not make it. Because it's all a matter of taste and personal preference - you might love a story and someone else may think it's just okay. And vice versa.

And then FoLCs vote on the nominated stories - and can you imagine choosing between some of them? Yet you have to - you can only vote for one story in each category. goofy

I'm really flattered that you liked Second Thoughts enough to think that it deserved a Kerth nomination. blush Thank you!

As for Burnout, it's exactly as LabRat said - there wasn't a category then that it'd have slotted neatly into. It's not really a drama. It's not a revelation story. It's not a tearjerker. And, at the time, there wasn't a Relationship category. My story Just Another Undercover Assignment sort of fell into the same category-gap - although there's a revelation at the very end, it's not a particularly memorable one. And, just like Rat with Burnout, I had people tell me they didn't know where to nominate it.

Glad you're enjoying making your way through the Archive - so many gems in there, right?

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*