A prisoner, a teacher and a lawyer all died. However, Heaven was full and so St. Peter who was in charge of the gates to Heaven said to them.

"I'll ask you each a question, if you answer it correctly I'll let you in if you don't you go to Hell.'

To the prisoner he asked. 'In what year did the Titanic sink?'

The prisoner answered. 'Fortunately I watched the movie before I died and the answer is 1912.'
St Peter let him through.

To the teacher: 'How many people died when it sunk?'

The teacher answered 'Under 1500'
And St Peter let him through.

To the lawyer: 'Name them."

PS thank you to Lara for helping me with the death toll count. It's actually a rough estimate though given that we really are not sure how many people died in the sinking.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller