Dear Wonderful Authors hail

There are a number of stories that have not been posted to in some time. One as far back as last August. Here is a list of the stories that have not been posted to recently that I currently still have sitting on my hard drive waiting for further postings. Could you let all your loyal readers know if you are going to finish the stories. They are sort of listed alphabetical.

A Different Career
Begin The Begin
Clearing The Record
Darkest Dreams
Fire And Ice
For The Fall Of Night Came Unbidden...
Lies And The Baggage That Comes Along with It
Reminices Of New Krypton
Separate Lives
Sex, Lies And Clark
The Girls Not Attractive
The Kid
The Longest Road: The Long Road Home
The Pitfalls And Pleasantries
Wedding Day Jitters

Should I leave them on my hard drive because they will see a posting soon. Or should I move them to disk storage because they will be posted to again when you have time or your muse returns. Or should I delete them because you've given up on them and they will never be finished. Thanks for the help - I'm doing some hard drive cleaning.
