No... no, no, no.... NO! Ahhhh! I missed them! I missed the Kerths! *cries* I so did not mean to miss them this year. I don't know why, but I had it in my mind that they were next weekend. I've been insanely busy the last few months. I haven't told anyone yet, but I'm expecting a little surprise in another 5 months or so.

A surprise of the unexpected variety. Heh. So, as you can imagine, I've been a little preoccupied lately.
But I really did plan on attending last night! Pooh! *feels like a heel*

I'm simply blown away. Thank you all so so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story that much.
And to all the other nominees and winners, I'm so very proud to stand along side all of you. Our fanfic forum is one of the very best (if not THE best) out there. We have some terrific writers and you should all be proud of yourselves, each and every time you swallow that lump in your throat and hit "post" to submit a new story to the boards. You're all winners in my book.
*ahem* And apparently I'm beginning to babble a little bit... so again, just let me say another heartfelt thank you. You guys are great.
-- DJ
P.S. - And my apologies to the KComm also for failing to attend and a thank you for all their hard work.