Thank you, you all smile I am really happy you all enjoyed WAM! I had a lot of fun writing the last part, especially.

Lois, who started out as a character I dreaded approaching because I was afraid I would get her wrong. The first part I wrote with her in it took me an extra long time to tweak to my satisfaction, but once I had her nuances nailed down, she turned into my favorite character to write as the story progressed. So it thrills me you all enjoyed my characterization of her!

As for the loose ends, I felt it would cheapen the victory to let Trask and Thompson kill each other. As much as that would make things easier for Clark, it's oh so much funner this way =p There is also the added revenge dampener of Trask now being diverted back to Thompson, and Thompson being too pragmatic to really care about Clark much. So we'll see how that pans out smile

And yes, I am setting up for a sequel, although, no, it hasn't been written smile It's a glimmer though! I've started working on the details, making notes, etc. Hopefully my life won't be too crazy and I can pursue it!

Thanks again for all the lovely feedback and support smile thumbsup

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.