She. Is. Going. To. Kill. Him.
If she didn't do this, I would do. mad

Clark you're an IDIOT! [Linked Image]

Clark's been selfish and coward. How can he see Lois's suffering and doesn't tell her the truth? He's behaving as all the others men of Lois's past, the typic male, coming near her only thinking in sex [Linked Image]. She's blaming herself because Clark's "death" and thinking she is betrying his memory and he does nothing (except to think in sex) [Linked Image] ! How can he be so stupid? [Linked Image]

I want punch him [Linked Image]! No, wait, this would useless. I want fulminate him with a kryptonite ray [Linked Image] ! He didn't tell the truth to Lois because he could offer her nothing. But then, how can he offer her a relationship with Superman [Linked Image]??? Clark's "logic" is too weird [Linked Image] . Lois doesn't deserve this. He need to tell the truth and face his mess. If Lois go mad, she'll be with good reason. [Linked Image]

Don't be coward, Clark! Speak out! [Linked Image]

~ Andreia (who will be mad with Clark for a long time) [Linked Image]

"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15