hello. just wondering..
i was watching Whine, Whine, Whine the other day with my twin brother in the living room. he was not actually paying much attention because he was doing some writing.
it was the scene where Superman is flying off that guitar dude to the hosptal, and then the camera moves to Lois and Dan then Lois said "Clark?" (or was it "where's Clark?" something like that)
then my brother blurted out, 'he's ryt there bhind you!'
i was like, what are you talking abt?
he said Clark er- Superman is right there behind her. in the far left of the screen.
so i rewind it up to the scene where Superman is flyng off w/ the guitar dude till Lois ask the question.
and he was right. Superman is right there
its seems to me that Dean er- Superman was putting down guitar dude in the corner,
supposed to be off camera, but its not.
it was funny.
check it out. smile
keep your eyes on the the left side of the screen.
it helps if youll play it frame by frame.

(pls bear my english) smile wink


You're the icing on my cake.
What's that?
Chocolate, of course.