At this point I'm going to assume that his physical appearance will be sufficiently changed that no one will recognize him as looking like Clark Kent.
Nobody recognised Superman as looking like Clark Kent either. Not even Lois. smile1

I'm interested to find out how SQD is going to disguise Clark Kent. He's disguised himeself before, and Lois knows it. So the make-over will have to be far more elaborate. I'll arbitarily call the make-over Devon II.

Firstly, Devon II will have to grow a beard. Without the beard, there isn't even half a chance that Lois won't recognise him, even if she had long believed (and accepted) that Clark was dead.

Secondly, the hair. Slicked back like Superman's or left-on-its-own like Clark's? Or perhaps a third hairstyle (maybe a little longer, like artists, not like S1) and he finds a way to rebond his hair so it ends up straight, not slightly wavy. Potential chink in the armour of disguise here. Hair colour may have to stay as it is because hair dye may not work on Super-hair (another potential chink).

Thirdly, the eyes. Coloured contact lens are in order? I had a friend with brown eyes. After wearing green contact lens, her eyes looked greyish-green (surprise, surprise). Also, the issue of glasses. Will Devon II wear them (Clark) or leave them off (Superman)?

Finally, the overall attitude. Warm and friendly? Distant and formal? Or worse, cold and unfeeling?

The thing is, will Lois be fooled by a disguise, any disguise again? Will Martha and Jonathan be fooled at all? Or will it as though Clark was merely wearing a clown costume or Santa Claus outfit or a Super-suit; it fools most people, but not the people around him.

Will Clark's super-ears be able to tune out cries of distress? Especially if the person making them is Lois?

I await, not very patiently. smile
