Ooooo, good topic. Ok I have two favourites that I love, have always loved and could re-read over and over!
To Kill a Mocking Bird– my English teacher gave this to me when I was 12 and I thought that it was the most amazing thing that I had ever read. I went on about it so much that she let me keep her copy (she was a really great teacher) I’ve read it so many times now that its getting really worn, but I cant bring myself to read a new one, it just wouldn’t be the same!
Little Women – I cant actually remember the first time that I heard this story because my Mum would read a chapter of to me before bedtime every night and as soon as we got to the end I would make her start all over again the next night! Then once I could read well enough, it became the first book that I read all by myself from cover to cover.
I guess I love them both because they are amazingly well written books but also because they hold so many personal memories for me. Plus I’ve always had an interest in American Literature (I did part of my degree in it) that I guess started at an early age.