Originally posted by Taivas:
OK, as a guy, and a fellow who went through a similiar situation (with my wife, BTW), here is some things you should consider:
1. Worry first about being her friend, don't worry who else she interacts with. At this age things change fast anyway. Your first concern should be her happiness. If she senses that, then she'll naturally want to hang around with you.
2. At some point, you should subtlety let her know how she affects you, without putting any pressure on her (a fine line to balance on, to be sure). I knew my wife for five years before we went on our first official 'date', even though we hung out together and did the 'pizza and videos' thing occasionally during that time (you thought Clark had to be patient). I was her friend through a bad breakup, and a subsequent bad rebound boyfriend. Then one day I sent her a little card letting her know that she was special to me, without proclaiming my undying love (which I had, but I didn't need to tell her that yet). I always let her know that I was there for her, and that her happiness was the most important thing in the world to me, no strings attached. I realize at your age it's a hard thing to do, having to contend with growing up and all. But maybe if you are that kind of friend to her, you never know what may happen in the next few years.
3. Don't suffer too much angst over this. Just enjoy the time you have with her. Like I said, at your age you're in no hurry for anything, so just relax.
4. In a couple of years, after you get out of high school, if she still doesn't get the hint (and if you're still interested), a dozen roses and a moonlight serenade outside her window wouldn't hurt <g>.
P.S. My wife and I got married 4 months after our first date, which was 12 years and four kids ago <BG>

Thanks man, that helps a lot. I don't know, I'm not your typical teen, my parents are not strict as Muslim parents, but are still very strict, and it
is like a prison.
Can I send you an e-mail?? Maybe if you knew a little more, you could tell me specifically how I should handle this.