Originally posted by malu:
I was surfing the Internet and found this little interview you did a couple of years ago (August 2001), that can be found here .

It seems like your plans are finally coming through laugh :

... But I also write a lot in my spare time (yeah, right...what spare time? wink and plan to one day be a best-selling novelist, even if it takes many years! I've already written two complete novels, with a third and fourth nearing completion. I just have to find that one book that gets my foot in that publishing world door, and then I'll be set. In the meantime, I'll just let writing continue to be my passion.
Good luck!

Geez, did I really say that? How embarrassing. blush I'd say that my goals have definitely changed over the years. Instead of "best-selling," I'm just thrilled to have something published, no matter how well it does. And I'm certainly not in it for the money, since there really isn't money to be made as a writer. I'm just happy to have something to do once in a while that doesn't involve changing diapers, bouncing a fussy baby, or playing referee. laugh It'll be something to maintain my sanity. wink

Thanks for sharing your find! As embarrassing as it was. blush


I often feel sorry for people who don't read good books; they are missing a chance to lead an extra life. ~ Scott Corbett ~