Thank you, everyone, for your support and well wishes. You are all the best! I know there is a reason I love FoLCs!!!

I am not exactly sure how the exam went because I mismanaged my time stupidly, but I will find out my score sometime in the next week. Cross your fingers that I pass wink -- or that I am borderline enough to get to take an oral exam or to TA next semester (that would be cool because I love TAing).

Regardless of how I did on the exam, just knowing that you all supported me makes my heart a lot happier smile .

- Laura smile

PS, Kaylle, if you are serious abuot that circuits test . . . I might be able to help you after all the stupid studying I did recently wink . And, Jill, if I pass, I will totally come down to Cinci so we can party wink .

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve