I'm always thrilled to meet other homeschoolers. I like the wide variety of reasons others choose to take on this lifestyle.
I'm in awe! Mine are close enough in age that I'm able to put them both in the same grade (3rd this year) and I often think that if that weren't the case, I would surely have to give this business up.
That is definitely the tricky part! We all do history and science together, read-aloud together, and art projects. The younger ones kind of just gleen the basics from the lessons(the preschooler just looks at us like we're crazy), and I assign more in-depth reading/projects for the older ones. By the time they reach high-school, your aim is for them to be mostly independent (except for projects). Of course, it doesn't always work out that way!
I'm not always very patient when it comes to including mine in home projects, but I'm trying to do better.
That used to be a big problem with me. I freaked because I didn't want them to get the house messy or misplace all the supplies or do it wrong, but I finally decided that maybe their way was just as good. I started with chores(years ago!), and I only recently graduated to larger projects. I figured if they could cut the grass without losing a limb or gapping up the lawn, then hey, I'd give them a chance at something else!

Yours are the age of my third grader, and his projects are definitely smaller scale. (He's my... wild child
SQD (who is glad to meet Caroline as well)