This is all so good. I know I say that every feedback folder, but this time I *really* mean it.

Thank you for your great, insightful comments. You're so smart! Have I mentioned??

Also, the rest of this piece has just landed with a loud kerplop into the collective laps of my BRs. (Those who encouraged me to keep the bakery when I almost chickened out are certainly included in that number, no matter how badly they beat me up. And, oh, it was baaaad...<g>)

Now if I may brag just the tiniest bit (if I get insufferable, do cover your eyes and I'll apologize ahead of time...), the whole fic works out to 18 parts! 18!!

Ok, if you consider that once upon I time I thought it would be four parts and I'd write it in a long weekend, that's not quite a victory.

But let's not consider that. Instead, I'm thinking back to when I pulled out all the pieces, took a good long look, and feared I was looking at a 30 part fic... whinging

18 parts, people! dance

Only six more to go, and they'll be up on schedule next week.

Thank you for staying with me. Can't tell you how well I appreciate it. (I know I always say that, but this time I *really* mean it.)


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
