I'm always amazed by how many women in L&C fandom are caught up in the Doctor Who series.
Except for an implied but unrealilzed attraction between Billie Piper's Rose and this last Doctor, the show has never really been know to have any real romantic overtones.
And there has to be a romantic element in a TV show before it can interest women?
I'll admit that many of the TV shows I enjoy have a ship element to them and that's partly what I enjoy about them. But it certainly isn't the whole of my TV enjoyment by any means. Heroes, House and Battlestar Galactica are just three shows I can think of, off the top of my head, which I thoroughly enjoy but which either have no ship elements or the ship elements they do have interest me not at all and certainly aren't the reason I tune in each week.
For me, the last series of DW was its finest and the relationship (non-romantic) between the Doctor and Donna one of the most satisfying to watch.