As far as I know - and I've had to endure more reports on the shooting than I care to count - there were 16 or 17 people killed. (I once heard that, about 24 (or so) hours after the shooting, another critically injured victim succumbed to his or her injuries.)
One of the victims was the gunman himself. Early reports speculated whether he had been shot by the police or whether he committed suicide when he realized that he wouldn't be able to escape.
He killed three teachers, all of them female. As was pointed out before now, most teachers in Germany are female, so that fact alone doesn't necessarily mean anything. One newspaper I read claimed that one of the teachers was shot in the back while she tried to escape while ushering her class out in front of her.
Tim K. also killed 9 students, 8 of which were girls. Since his motive isn't clear yet, this discrepancy lead to speculation. Many of the victims were shot in the head, which does not look to me like he was shooting randomly. It seems he executioned them (mafia-style).
While on the run, he also killed someone working at the nearby psych hospital. One report I heard claimed said worker was a woman, too. Others weren't specific or hinted at a male gender.
Later, Tim hijacked a car. He did not kill the (male) driver, for whatever reason there was.
Later, when he traded shots with the police, two more innocents were killed. The reports I've heard/watched/read so far were rather obtuse about that. I don't know anything about these peoples' gender. Neither do I know whose bullets killed them. Tim's? The police's? Directly or as a ricochet?
Btw, Ann, I was wondering when you would start a topic about this. (I guess you are notorious.)
About the link: I agree with bakasi that you shouldn't put too much stock into that particular newspaper. Yellow press at its finest. (Some people here claim that "Bild knows everything" - no matter if it really happened or not.)