Actually, it makes a lot of sense if this is a disinformation mission, set up to be the nice incompetent face of SHIELD, while Fury takes care of the black ops etc. After all, we didn't see the German secret weapon loaded into the rocket, for all we know it's really being studied as part of the Phase 2 weapons program mentioned in Avengers
Marcus, I think you are showing yourself to be a more thoughtful and creative writer than they have on this show.

Still, I hope you're right. That would be an amazing plot twist.
However, even within this group of "agents", the writers need to be more creative. Too many of the things I've seen in the first two episodes are a)cliché, b)predictable or c)both.
Also, they seem to have lost sight of the concept that gunfights, explosions and other "eye candy" are not enough unless there is a compelling story that causes the viewers to connect to the characters. I've seen two episodes and I don't know anyone's name other than Coulson's. So, at least in my case, they are apparently failing to provide characters that I care about.