I had to reload Vista once again a few days ago because of a 0x0 Error code.

What happened was the night before my laptop kept taking any window I had open and moving it to the taskbar. So the next morning I got up and did a system restore.

Well instead of fixing it the laptop couldn't restart everytime it tried to load windows up it would go to a page trying to fix the Restart finally it said that it couldn't fix it. And when I looked for the cause all I got was a Error Code 0x0 and lots of things they tested.

So I called a computer store and they told me all they could do was reload Vista and would charge 150.00 dollars. I told them I had the recovery disk and would try myself first and if that didn't work I would have to let them do it.

Since I had already reload Vista twice before I was pretty sure I could do it once again. All I was worried about was that this wouldn't fix the problem.

After I reload Windows everything seems to be fine. I took the laptop in to Best Buy for the yearly check up. I though nows the time to get it done becaue I lost all my files. Their was no way to save any that I hadn't already had back up. I'm alittle upset because I lost some of my pictures.

Has anyone else had this 0x0 error code. I have no idea how I could have gotten this.

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