I lurked for a long time on the net in general. When I started de-lurking it was generally only to give feedback. Now, I'm just increasing my post count. :p
Anyway, reasons why I lurked.
Everyone seemed to know everyone else. It's like at school, if there was a big group of friends you were never sure how to join that group, it was kinda intinidating.
Also, I'm not a very outgoing person, I generally only do well in small groups (seem to be doing ok here, so far though

), that's where I'm at my best.
I think I also lurked for a while cause I couldn't post just for the sake of posting, which was in part cause I didn't 'know' anyone, cause I hadn't posted. See, vicious circle there.
Next point. As a new person on the fic list I didn't know what the general 'mood'/tone of the group was. That didn't come out right. I think what I'm trying to say, is that I wanted to wait and see what the atmosphere so that I didn't say/do something that would disrupt everything. Still not quite what I mean, but I can't think of anything better!
And another thing, I couldn't think of anthing to say, I didn't what to post just for the sake of posting. I seem to be getting over that.
That's all that comes to mind at the moment.
Loriel (so glad she came out of Lurkdom, and who also never voted, cause, well, she stopped lurking to christen the new boards and hasn't looked back since!
