Like CrazyBabe, my bible knowledge is slim to none. When talking to some friends that are fundamentalist, they couldn't believe that I don't own a bible nor have I ever read it independently. And they don't understand my philosophy about going to church either . . . but that is another subject wink .

The "intellegent design" theory was a VERY hot topic in Ohio in 2002. VERY hot. I really only know the "Anti-intelligent design" side of the story because just about everyone in Cleveland that spoke up against it was from CWRU -- my MS advisor even helped organize a few protests blush and I did go to the (very biased) rally they had downtown against it.

The unbiased view:
CNN Ohio Debate
Associated Press

NY Times

The biased scientific view:

CWRU Article
CWRU article 2

Ohio CItizens For Science -- a lot of links to Newspaper articles
Lawrence Krauss\'s opinion -- Chairman of Physics and CWRU

And these are just what showed up on the first page of the CWRU Google search! I remember this being a VERY contrivercial issue 2 years ago . . . although I haven't heard much about it lately.

Even though I am a scientist and don't agree with intelligent design, I am also a liberal, and think that people should be allowed to learn both sides of the issue. I almost wish I would have instead of strictly evolution. That way I would have been better prepared for debates on the subject -- I was sort of at a disadvantage, only first hearing about it durring ALPS in grade school (and my parents wouldn't let me listen to the discussion because they are strict evolutionists) and then when I finally met people that are not Catholic or Orthadox (my suburb has 7 Catholic churces that I can think of off the top of my head), I was really surprised.

Just my 0.02 smile

- Laura

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve