We often speak of people trying to lose weight... So maybe I should get my shield and sword before posting this reply.

Well, me? I have it the other way around. Most of my relatives are desperatly urging me to gain some. Personnally I feel good with my body, figure and weight (though I could use some more strategically placed curves <g>).

I'm not on a diet, thank god! I still need all my bones... and don't intend to follow one, ever. As a matter of fact I'm eating what I like, when I like...especially pastries. I need my 5 meals per day. And, wether I eat like four or skip three meals (I often do that when I'm ill), my weight always remains the same. No 'yo-yo' effect.

My schedule doesn't really allow me to exercise. I resumed dancing a few weeks ago, in order to come progressively back to sport.

Some call me 'lucky'. I think it has more to do with genes, or lifestyle.. At least, that's the only logical reason I can come up with, so far.