Koreans usually have wide jawlines with smooth quareish jaw and a deep tan like a very light skin type of black person. And chubby cheeks. Actually to me they all looked pretty plump even the fit ones. Look closely at some of the pictures MyMy posted in "Sexiest man besides..." there are two good examples of Korean men.

Japanese people usually have pointed downward eyes. The opposite of an almond shape eye and overyly skinny cheeks. Opposite facial feature to that of Koreans. Japanese ually are fairest of the oriental species. Skin color usually are pinkish to that of a lightly tanned caucasion or better words is lightly tanned.

Chinese people however, I cannot explain it. I just know it. The only thing I might be able to say is the american calls it the "Chiny eyes".

But of course there are some people that are exceptions to the rules; Like my sister Rebecca who looks Japanese and as for me, I've been mistaken for a Korean. This rules however is not 100% acurate.

Does this make sense Julie Stars (Kerth
Member # 529)?