So a fic which included a deeper emotional & or sexual relationship between L or C and another person wouldn't seem consistent with the show. Unless it was about Lois back in her Claude days.
I'm not sure I agree with that. What I meant with my previous post was that the show paved the way for such a possibility, and yes, I was particularly thinking of the relationship between Lois and Lex, which can't be qualified of anything but serious. I know they didn't have sex, and I do find that it tells us some interesting things about Lois's decision to marry him. But that's another issue.
My point was that the show opened up the possibility for the main characters to develop interest in other counterparts. Whether what we saw on the show amounted to something or not doesn't truly matter; no-one can claim they write *only* about things that they saw on the show. We use possibilities offered by the show and develop them because we find an idea particularly interesting. That's what fanfic is to me.
If Clark is the one to tell Lois his secret, it's different from what happened in the show. Yet it's not considered OOC. If Lois decides to go ahead and marry Lex, therefore share his bed as well, it's not in the show. But is it OOC? If Lois decides to give Dan a chance or if Clark decides to give Mayson a chance, even for a short while, it's not in the show. But again, is it OOC? Imho, it all depends on what motives you put behind it, what sort of situation arises that puts them together, and what the outcome is.
Me personally, I'm a fan of Lois and Clark and so that's who I want to read about.
So am I!

And what I look for in a fanfic is the challenge leading them to be together, which is why I don't mind them going through a relationship with someone else first, as to me it's one possible way to challenge their getting together.