I couldn't vote either - not that I wouldn't want own sections for trailers, but because their future may be somewhat... uncertain. Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not planning on quitting wink , but even if trailers seem to be popular now, we don't know if that interest will be the same a year from now. The first one came out December 1st last year, so the concept isn't that old yet.

And for now there are only me, Lynn and Trenna who have mnade trailers - and I know that one or two more are jumping on the bandwagon, too, sooner or later - so, bottom line, we aren't that many yet. Not that it's a bad thing; people may love movies, but not all want to be directors. wink As for me, though, I love editing and the simple idea of creating something you can show the rest of the world. So it also depends on the "traffic"..

And you know, Mary, as for the little "thing" you and I know about <g>, it will fit in another certain folder for now wink

I think it's an interesting idea, but I'd hate for the moderators to delete the sections if it turns out that people just aren't that interested in trailers, say, a year from now. Who knows smile1

Such a little thing really, a kiss...most people don't give it a moment's consideration. They kiss on meeting, they kiss on parting, that simple touching of flesh is taken entirely for granted as a basic human right.

Susan Kay