Uh... just a cent here.

I have gone through a few discussions about why writers with a 'reputation' have better chances of getting nominations, kerths or even more feedback than new/other authors.

Indirectly, if people don't read new/other author's stories with the same enthusiasm, this will result in some kind of protection eventhough we think this shouldn't or don't exist.

Well, the truth is it does exist, in my point of view. And what I have recently realized is that the priviledged authors do not have anything to do with that except for the fact that they are really talented and deserve what they get.

I can talk for myself here when I recently told my friends from mIRC I was a little bit sad I wasn't nominated for new author or that none of my MLTVs were nominated at all. But things happen and eventhough being - let me check Wendy's words - the most prolific one, sometimes it doesnt mean the quality of the work is worthy a prize.

What I learned from this? What I told my mIRC friends: Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. This year I lost nominations, but what I won was better than these - The friends I made here on the boards.

Thus, to finish, I must say I agree with Yvonne when she says she prefers to do it imperfectly than not to do it at all.

So congrats for the talented ones among us who have entertained FoLCs along the year. You are all winners to be there already.

Good luck to all. Especially for my new authors friends. May you all stick to the boards, feeling encouraged to do the wonderful job you already do.

MDL. (aka Erica Dias smile )

"Work while you have the light. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you."