a lot of text from txt files runs together in many places when copied into Word, and takes ages to fix.
Does it ever! But years ago I came up with a macro to fix 'em, so now all I do is hit a button on my tool bar and the whole thing gets fixed. laugh It's a 3-step search & replace.

  • Search for the double hard returns (^P^P) and replace them with XXXX or any other place-holder combo.
  • Replace all the remaining hard returns (^P) with a space.
  • Replace all the XXXX's with double hard returns.

That gets rid of the hard returns within paragraphs, but keeps the paragraphs separate. Assuming it started off with double spaces between paras -- you can adjust if it's something different, like a hard return followed by 5 spaces for indented paragraphs.

There are still a few things to tidy up, but it's a lot easier this way. smile

I guess I could go with 8 pt. At the moment I'm using 10pt Arial, going down to 9pt for a longer story, but I could probably read 8pt. I never used to print out fic, but lately I like having it available when I can't get near my computer.

Hope this helps!