I have to reply about the reason I get so upset with defense attorneys and the system here in the US. This week at my hospital that I work we did rape kits on 2 children that came back positive; an 11 year old and a 3 year old. A 'friend of the family' raped the 3 year old but was caught before he could finish by mother's brother and he beat the crap out of the rapist. Well the rapist and the 3 year old came in as surgical traumas at the same time. While I'm pinning a rapist's arm a 3 year old is having a rape kit done. After surgery the story comes out and the whole medical team is just pissed. The uncle gets arrested for beating the crap out of a child molester but the rapist had a lawyer that allegedly told him that since there was no DNA because he used a condom and it was the uncle's word against his the case would probably be dismissed.

FYI the 3 year old is not doing well. She will probably not survive.

The eleven year old was said to have already been sexually active and was willing and the guy who is a previous sex offender is said will probably get a charge of violating his probation by being around kids.

Next time it could be my relative that is victimized!

Oh, and a previous local celebrity here went to her boyfriend's new girlfriend's house, armed, got into an argument with the boyfriend and shot him. She said she went there with a gun because he was dangerous and abusive. So why was she following him around? Anyway he died days later and in her trial the defense attorney said that my hospital killed him on the operating table. Duh...had she not shot him he would not have been on our table in the first place. The prosecution went for 2nd degree murder but because 'the hospital killed him.' She was aquitted because the court found her guilty of a lesser charge...manslaughter...but couldn't charge her with that because she was found not guilty of the initial charge. She therefore literally got away with murder!

If you are wrongfully accused, sure get the best attorney you can find but to plea bargain for a lesser sentence or give up information and be let back on the streets or to just have an attorney who is smart enough to get you out of trouble, I have trouble with.

On the same token, I doon't believe in the death penalty because it too could be my family member and I don't think it solves anything.

I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.