Well, I picked that I absolutely believe in Intelligent Design. But had there been another option, I would have chosen that. Because yes, while I believe in intelligent design, I also believe in evolution. If we didn't have evolution then how would we explain different breeds of dogs, etc? How would we explain that fact that nearly all humans were only about five feet tall about 2000 years ago? But I don't believe that idea that *bang* all the sudden life just occurred without a superior being guiding this. I once had a very wise professor in college who said that the more he found out about biology, genetics, etc, that the more he believed in God. I also feel like that. The more I find out... The more I believe in God. The workings of one single cell is so miraculous to me that I cannot imagine a superior being not having had a hand in that. And I also think that many people assume that Intelligent Design automatically means right wing Christians - it doesn't.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~