Originally posted by Mouserocks:
What helps me the most though as far as the research aspect goes is the scripts here on the site. They're accurate, they're right at your fingertips, and I love reading scripts anyways. That coupled with the episodes I do have recorded, plus the wonderful world of the internet... I can get by.
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Actually, I wouldn't call the scripts "accurate".
The scripts look to be shooting scripts. Which is the way that the writers had intended the episode to go. Alot of the time, during shooting, last minute changes are made or an actor might adlib something and the director decides to keep it because it works. Also sometimes the actors may rearange a line or two to make it flow more easily. Usually, those changes are very minor. It would be like changing, "Clark, hello." to "Hello, Clark." So the scripts are not 100% the way it was filmed. The scripts are still very valuable though. Someone went to a lot of trouble in typing up the scripts that they had and they are a very nice resource. I for one, would love to sit down and look at a script as I am watching an episode just to see the differences. I'm almost positive that the script would have some "deleted scenes" to add to some background. I personally, thank who ever took the time to type them up and post them on the net.