I was thinking about doing a poll similar to this asking people who their favorite Superman, Lois Lane, Perry, Jimmy, etc. was. Ahhh, but for another time when I have time to prep it.

I was first introduced to Superman on the Superfriends program (where, of course, I fell head over heel in love with Aquaman blush - Awwww, my misspent youth.) Then in the late 70s Christopher Reeves was THE Superman. I thought CR's interpreation of Clark was a bit comically over-the-top, but his Superman was terrific. I loved S & S-II (with the whole exception to the mind-wipe kiss and General Zod, who I hated), but I figured that the franchise would fix the kiss-problem in S3. Boy, was I disappointed.

The whole silly storyline with Richard Pryor in Superman 3 seemed more about the co-starring characters instead about our hero and the woman he loved. (I believe Lois was in Hawaii for most of that movie). I actually didn't mind the Lana subplot and thought it showed his Clark-side as a more rounded character than S & S-II did. The one problem I had with it was that it made Clark seem fickle in his "true" love with Lois, and once he bed her and erased her memory about said loving, he was ready to move on to greener pastures. A true player's pipedream, and one thing Superman should NEVER be is a Player!

I *think* I've seen Superman 4, but I can't imagine paying for a ticket after being so disappointed in S3. I may have caught it on video or TV, but a thousand-years ago when it first came out. I can guarauntee you that I haven't seen it twice, since I can't even recall it once.

Superman Returns was a huge disappointment. Once again they went back to the formula that Clark was an idiot fool and Superman was ultra suave. razz Plus, I hated the idea of Clark as a deadbeat dad. I couldn't see him leaving Lois and Earth for 5 years and going to see if Krytpon was still around. :rolleyes: It seemed like a lame excuse to me (especially since they never showed us the decision making process when he decided to go). I didn't like that Lois had moved on and hated Clark. What I especially HATED about the movie was that they hired mere kids to play 30+ year old characters. From moment one, I was like, THAT Lois has a 5 year old kid? What, did she have him in high school? It made it totally unbelieveable for me. BAD CASTING.

I fell in LOVE with Clark Kent character on Lois & Clark, and that's what brought me to loving the rest of canon. The protrayal of Clark as a guy with these extra powers who's just trying to live his life the best way he can, while dealing with super villains and trying to make the woman of his dreams notice his real self, THAT was resonated with me. I still love that aspect of the Lois & Clark. hyper Yes! Yes! Yes! I love those old cartoons. I bought them recently <cough, cough> for my son blush <cough> and loved them. Lois is spunky and actually rolls her eyes when Superman says "stay here" and then goes off to do what needs to be done. I love that a woman from the 30s and 40s is shown standing up to men without being a feme fatal or screaming her heart out to be rescued. She is definately a role-model for women everywhere! And that Clark loves her, shows that a strong woman is really what the good men want, right? wink

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.