Hi Folks.
Previous poll is still open but I'm moving along with designs.
N.B.a) Top 3 font choices were used. The final design will get displayed with all 3 fonts for final choice. Do not choose, at this stage, based on font style. Choose based on picture style, picture placing and word placing.
b) Pictures are all from the internet and I will get my hubby to do a unique drawing of the final choice to avoid copyright issues. He's an artist ... it will be good.
c) Some of the picture placings are clearly awkward, but I wanted to show some variety.
d) Website and fundraiser lines are not in all pictures ... they will be in the final product.
New options - Design ideas in order of previous poll results
1. Computer and Keyboard
![[Linked Image]](http://mythtrekker.com/Vic/Others/LnC%20t-shirt/computer.jpg)
2. Typewriter
![[Linked Image]](http://mythtrekker.com/Vic/Others/LnC%20t-shirt/typewriter.jpg)
3. Pen, Pencil, Pad and Eraser
At the moment this is Pencil, Pad, Eraser and screwed up paper.
![[Linked Image]](http://mythtrekker.com/Vic/Others/LnC%20t-shirt/notepad.jpg)
=4. Quill and Ink
![[Linked Image]](http://mythtrekker.com/Vic/Others/LnC%20t-shirt/quill.jpg)
=4. Messy Desk
![[Linked Image]](http://mythtrekker.com/Vic/Others/LnC%20t-shirt/messy desk.jpg)
6. Sofa, Coffee and Clock (Combined 2 previous options)
![[Linked Image]](http://mythtrekker.com/Vic/Others/LnC%20t-shirt/sofa.jpg)
I've pondered over how best to run this poll and I think there's too many here to vote individually on each one so I'm going to redo the last poll and have the general picture voted on. BUT it will be a 1st, 2nd, 3rd choice this time. The same options will be given on 3 different polls and you need to choose your top three IN ORDER. The results, combined with the previous poll should give the winning picture.
I'll then get my hubby to do some drawings.