LOL. Herring's my name. Red Herring. But that's just me. /whistles innocently/ I try it out on my betas. If I can fool 'em, I can fool everyone! /okay, maybe not everyone./

Go off in a certain direction for long enough that people think they KNOW what the twist will be. Only make the turn at the last moment when they're least expecting it. evil

Sometimes, my twists are so out there I feel it isn't fair if I don't drop a bunch of clues so that some people will pick up on it. Then, I end up drowning the reader in the clues its not a big twist when it happens. (This is much easier if its a short story and the reader hasn't wormed it out of me during the last 50 parts. Michael is still 99% sure Lois will turn up pregnant in Wrong Clark, EVEN THOUGH I've told him, repeatedly, she isn't pregnant in this story.) Finding the happy medium is the one. Sometime you hit it, sometimes you end up with pancake on your face. /shrugs/ Can't win 'em all.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.