I'll keep that in mind, Marcus. When I stop by my local office supply store to pick up those thumbdrives, I'll take a gander at Windows 10. If, like Windows 8, it's made for a Smart Phone instead of desktop computer, I'll skip it.
I refused Windows 8 because of its smart-phone-like appearance, too. But I've been using Windows 10 for some time now and I'm liking it. I disabled all the privacy invading options and it's working fine so far. It's faster than Windows 7 and I'm thinking about to switch definitely to 10.
I downloaded Windows 10 yesterday after checking it out at Staples. I use Windows 8 at work and HATE it, but Windows 10 doesn't seem to be as evil. I need to review that article that Lynn referenced above again to make sure I turned off all the privacy control issues. I like that I UNpin the stuff I don't like from my start menu and task bar (such as Shopping and sports... ugh!)
The one thing I haven't figured out yet is how to make my Task Bar icons larger. It seems as if my eyesight has deteriorated overnight. Everything, including font, is sooooooo small in Windows 10.

I also don't like that it assumes that it was downloaded onto a movable laptop/iPad computer. I, too, am hoping that some of my slowness issues will have disappeared, but I haven't worked with it long enough to notice any improvement.