Annette, the examples can be found in all of the TOCs since upgrade, for instance:
And unfortunately, the boards don't support parsing the path-format (i.e. the search-engine friendly one) when they're set to using the query string format. This is also the (or at least one of the) problem(s) with the cookie path on login. Some of the cookies get sent in the url-with-path format, where the path is "/ubb/ubbthreads.php/". Since that's not a match for "/ubb/ubbthreads.php" (the path when there is a query string attached), the cookie is never sent back to the server and the login is lost.
The setting for the spider-friendly urls is on the General Tab "Spider-Friendly URLs", should be right next to the cookie settings.
As for this particular reboot - that's why I asked when the last one was

For instance, if the server actually ran without a restart since the original upgrade, there might have been something left that didn't get loaded till the next reboot. When we get deeper into this, it will help to understand how the server's administrated - e.g. is the server administrator also doing maintenance on the board software, or the underlying php-version itself. Who's responsible for what part/has access to what part of the boards and stuff like that. Edit: okay, just seen your support call over at UBB, so the server was rebooted between this week and the upgrade. That can't be it then. Directly. I'm assuming that the host's admins aren't fiddling around with the board software, correct?
Keep in mind that I am not a programmer, I never was and I never claimed to be. I know some PHP, enough to be dangerous.

And here I thought. Really did. But at least we're about the same then when it comes to php. Regarding admin-access. I'd be happy to help if you'd like. We can just move this over to e-mail, you've got mine via the boards, right? Just for practical purposes, you could just mail me a zip of the board's code on a first run, no need to actually have access and I can then go through it offline and look if I find anything suspicious.
I've also checked out the requirements and it looks like the boards also run on Windows (okay, they're on php which is available for Windows and Linus, so, duh!), and I've got a test machine lying around. Will try to do a test setup of the boards so I can fiddle around, too. Edit: okay, there's no longer demo-version for download available since the past couple of versions/years. That's...unfortunate...
