Hi Terry!

I'm actually really glad you've moved into the "bummed out" territory. I was hoping to take my readers down into the same darkness Lois and Martha are facing. What a task they have ahead of them - in either helping him recover or helping him recover just enough to exist without really living and learning to accept that he's gone for good. You have to wonder about that level of depression that would seep in.

Lex as President is well...just one more facet of the evilness. I have a few more nasty things to put our heroes through. Murder might be a blessing here. wink

I really do love the weird paths your muse travels down. It's wonderful! Even if it's not in line with how things unfold in the story. But it does make me aspire to be crueler in my dark fics in the future. devil I will confirm the absence of Cat in the fic though. Sorry!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon