Oh, my! I thought I replied to the additional feedback! Oops.
Bakasi—thanks! I’m glad you liked it!
Lynn—Brava on your correct suspicions as you read! I’m glad I still got to surprise you at the end, though.
And don’t worry about the “terces”—I’m actually hearing from a LOT of people that it took some time to figure out. It was obvious to me as the author, but I had no idea I’d stump so many people!
Deadly Chakram—Haha I totally tried to write more! But it just wasn’t happening! *sigh* And yeah, she totally would have gone to his apartment to do that too.
And I have a ton of files just scattered all over my desktop. Occasionally, I’ll dump everything into a folder that says “SORT ME” just to clean things up. I have more than one “SORT ME” folder…
I imagined Lois having a messy desktop and not knowing why one would bother with a misc folder. *G*
Thanks, everyone, for all the great feedback!