I'm a bit late to join the party, but I didn't get around to watching the first episode before tonight.
I started watching LnC on recommendation of a friend in 1997 or 1998. By that time, season 1 to 3 had been aired on German television and I had caught a rerun. I didn't see the pilot until a second rerun, though, because I had started somewhere mid-season one. Definitely after GGGOH. But I've been hooked ever since. I'm planning on watching every episode in the original version this time. Jimmy and Perry are a bit hard to understand. And I have to be cautious about ironing my laundry during the episodes, because I don't think I'll manage to catch what they're saying with the background noise.

I never realized before that it was actually Clark finding out about Luthor. I realized how wary he was after Luthor's little speech with the sword. Unlike Lois, he wasn't mesmerized by Luthor's announcement of a privately owned space station.
But what really caught Clark's attention was that Antoinette Baines used the same "high-ground" line as Luthor had while he was talking about Alexander the Great. You could see his eyes widen and his head whip around.
So, why did he never mention this to Lois?
A thing I have to look for is the ramp down to the bullpen. I believe it was going down the other way in later episodes. But that will have to wait till we get there.
One thing I noticed was that Clark's shirt changed the color during his first stay in Smallville. It's violet when he takes off, blue as he goes into the farm house and once again violet as he talks to his parents.