Hi Anna!
Let’s see…
It was a cold Saturday morning in Metropolis. Thin snowflakes were coming down the gray sky, dusting cars, trees and buildings with white. People were walking on the streets, wrapped in thick coats and scarves, to protect themselves from the freezing air bursts.
Great scene-setting! I got reminded of either Die Hard 2, Gilmore Girls or any number of New York-based rom-coms.
“You know what you need?” he asked the puppy, lifting it to eye level. “You need a warm fireplace and some food. Let's go to the pet shop and get you something to eat.”
I just realized, Clark finding a lost puppy stuck under a car could have happened with Lois, too, a few years earlier

you just need to replace ‘puppy’ with ‘cute brunette’ and you’re all set.
His only mistake was that the drink in her cup smelled like hot chocolate, rather than coffee.
While on its own it wouldn’t raise any flags, but with the next couple of paragraphs till you mentioned her robe (don’t know why there exactly) I get the feeling Lois might have a surprise for Clark, too
“Are you ready to have a baby in the house?”
/cocks eyebrow/
But I don't know the first thing about caring for a dog.”
But Clark does. Took care of Mad Dog for years now.
The puppy looked at them, then at the fireplace, and fell asleep.
That was a great little mood piece. Wonderful atmosphere
