Hi, FoLCs!!

Earlier this week, Toomi inadvertently started a trend—she posted a few short little ficlets…and then (pretty much at the same time, but they/we didn’t know it yet), SuperBek, CarrieRene, lovetvfan, and me all got jealous and wanted to write our own ficlets! So we did. And then QueenoftheCapes dusted off and finished a ficlet that had been languishing. Suddenly, it was late Thursday/Early Friday (depending on where you live)… and ficlets had FLOODED the boards, it at least it seemed like it. lol

SuperBek said, “Ficlet Friday!”

And I said that it totally needed to be A Thing. So now… let’s all make it A Thing!

Every Friday, post a ficlet! What’s a ficlet? I googled just to be sure, but looks like at least one site says, A short fic that's longer than a Drabble (100 words), but probably clocks in at 1000 words or less.

So there’s everyone’s weekly challenge—write a ficlet and post it on Friday! And always feel free to post the link to your story here so there can be a nice little collection of ficlets in one place!

Not an author? Why not try your hand at writing something short if you’ve always wanted to! (FoLCdom is a fantastic and friendly place to learn as you go—I should know!)

Still not an author? Well, consider leaving feedback for all the authors! (And authors, try doing this too if time and energy allows. :))

Kinda a lurker? If you feel like trying it… even a thumbsup or any graemlin will do! And if not, that’s okay too; we understand! Those post view counts help authors feel like their stuff is being read, so we appreciate that too. love

So… whaddya say??

Sara smile

Kerth nominations are opening on March 9th!
🏆TOC for Kerth Awards 2025 Posts🏆

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, the show, life, and more!

You can also find me on Tumblr and AO3.

Avatar by Carrie Rene smile