Favorite Scene:
The one about lying and double standards sure gives a lot of insight into Lois's mindset.

Lois: Of Course I lie to Clark. All the time.
LOIS: Don’t edit my tantrums, Clark.
Lex: Another life failed by the system. Good. Then no one will miss him.

Meriwether Awards for Journalistic Excellence, Daily Planet is nominated with the writing team of Lois and Clark. They did not win.

There is a recent rise in crime rate. Lois exploits Clark’s burgled apartment for her story.

Henderson explains to Lois that the crime scene isn’t dusted for prints etc so the cops are available for real emergencies. Question: normally the CSU takes care of the crime scene. No need to busy the street cops

Jack makes his appearance.
Louie makes his appearance.

Lois gives Clark a neck massage and some stroking and hugging.

Krypton has sent out probes out through the galaxy and received data for thousands of centuries. They have not yet achieved manned flight into the galaxy. Probe sends data back to Krypton within a year or less since they found the United States and modern values.

Lex has discovered that Superman has a secret identity.

Lois admit she would also have taken the globe and hidden it (as in: not told Clark, probably not told Superman).

Perry doesn’t want to use an Elvis metaphor because he wants to actually help Lois and not just tell a story.

Discussion on lying and growing up in Kansas vs Metropolis
LOIS: I'm not sure I can trust Clark anymore.
PERRY: You want to tell me why?
LOIS: He lied to me.
PERRY: You never lie to him?
LOIS: Of course I lie to him. All the time.
PERRY: I... think I'll leave that one alone. So what do you want to do about this? Have you faced him?
LOIS: You saw! I gave him every opportunity.
PERRY: Have you told him you know he lied to you?
LOIS: You lied. You stole. You…
CLARK: Betrayed?
LOIS: Don't edit my tantrums, Clark. I won't be responsible.
CLARK: And you never lied to me?
LOIS: _You_ grew up on a farm in Kansas. _I_ grew up in Metropolis.
LOIS: So... there are different standards.

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.