Hi Barbara!

I almost forgot about the poor dog this week
Eeep! You need to walk him regularly or you find all sorts of surprises in your home. And black cars with darkened windows in front of your building.

. A whimper left his throat whenever he stopped and looked up as if contemplating whether to jump up and open the door.
Aww…poor guy understands he got no thumbs.

But she was also scared of his reaction now that he’d had time to think. His declaration of love had taken her by surprise. How could he really mean it after everything that had happened?
Nah. That’s not the problem. Her visiting him in his room and getting ready for bed. That might confuse him, though.

while Clark had given him a brief account of what had happened.
“I told Lois that I love her and that must have spooked her because she dug up the green crystals and came at me with them. Then, when I started to curl up in pain, she sicced Houdini at me.”

Lois had wanted to help, but all she’d been able to do was watch, feeling completelycompletely helpless.
She really needs to learn how to tend to a wounded Superman. It’s a future skill.

How could she ever look into the Kent’s Kent’s eyes again after what she’d done to him?
Hey, at least she’s not telling them that Clark got her pregnant she’s now looking for him.

Now he was resting in his room and she still had no idea if he was feeling better.
She could climb in and hold him.

Actually, she wished someone would yell at her. She knew she deserved it.
Maybe she needs a hug, too?

"Sorry, buddy, I didn't mean it that way," Clark said. "Of course, you're not a problem. Come here."

“Because once I’m back to normal, I’m not sure I will dare to do this…” He trailed off, a flicker of hesitation in his gaze. Then he swallowed and leaned in.

His kiss was gentle.

. Lois wished she wouldn’t have to stop kissing him.
But eventually, they had to part. He leaned his forehead against hers, a heavy sigh escaping his lips.
“Sorry about that,” he whispered.
She cupped his cheek and stroked it with her thumb. “Why do you say that?
You did mention a Kerth kiss, didn’t you?

Please don’t stop kissing me. Let’s make the most of this disaster.”
Yep. I wasn’t going to say it before, but yep, this is the perfect opportunity to christen that bed of his.

He reached out to brush a strand of hair behind her ear and ran his fingers along her cheek in a gentle caress. “With you, I’m up to anything.”

So, next part’s magic is gonna be particularly corny? peep

wave Michael

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