From Chapter 13...

He asked for the check, paid, and when they arrived back at the car, Clark opened the passenger door for Lois. Once he was settled into the driver’s seat, he turned to her. “I’ve been thinking,” he said.

Was he going to suggest they go parking? “Yes?” she squeaked.

“I don’t think we should continue meeting in the barn in the middle of the night,” he said.

“Oh?” she said, inexplicably disappointed.

“You can’t keep working full days with interrupted sleep every night.”

“I’m OK.”

“I would like to continue meeting – and checking on Bess, of course – but earlier. Say nine to ten o’clock. We could have hot chocolate. Chat. Get you to bed at a reasonable time so you can have a full night’s sleep.”

That sounded good. Very good. “I’d like that.”

He smiled, another of those warm, melting smiles that felt like a hug to her heart. “Let’s go then.”

“To the barn?”

“To the barn.”

Thanks to everyone who is reading along.
