Chapter 7: Between Dream and Reality

Clark woke up with a start, his heart racing, and looked around for Lois. He was relieved to see her sleeping beside him. "It was just a dream," he told himself, tightening his arms around her. Yet, a lingering doubt remained, a vague detail, a feeling that something was amiss. He pushed the thought away, focusing on the warmth of *his* wife, spooning her from behind, and drifted back into a blissful drowsiness.

A few minutes later, a whoosh sound followed by a cold draft made him open his eyes. He sat up, looking toward the window, and his heart skipped a beat as he saw Ultrawoman landing. Suddenly, he realized that what he had thought was a dream… might not have been.

Clark watched Ultrawoman in silence, his mind trying to piece together the puzzle. The persistent feeling he had upon waking… everything fell into place. What he had believed to be a dream—multiple Lois’s—was actually the result of their encounter with the red rays. He ran a hand through his hair, suddenly feeling exhausted by this realization.

“It was true…” he murmured as Ultrawoman approached.

They were all three at the kitchen table over coffee. The day's edition of the Daily Planet lay on the table, with the front page signed by Lane and Kent visible. They had written the article about Winter’s death and Brown’s escape following their court appearance. Ultrawoman had changed into civilian clothes.

“I was woken around 5 by an accident on the Metropolis bridge. Five vehicles were involved and in bad shape; I quickly sorted out the situation and slipped away before anyone could talk to me. Then, too agitated to go back to sleep, I returned to the orphanage as Lois. Clark, thanks to your quick intervention last night, all the children are fine this morning, but the building is severely damaged. According to the Fire Captain, they found accelerants under every staircase.”

While Ultrawoman recounted her morning, Clark glanced at Lois, still wondering how he had ever thought it was all just a dream. But the idea of two Lois’s, right there in his kitchen, left no room for doubt. It was indeed real, and they would have to get used to it.

“I’m not surprised. When I arrived, all the stairs were on fire. It’s impossible that it was accidental; the fire was very intense. If I hadn’t arrived so quickly, they wouldn’t have been able to get out in time.” The anxiety of arriving too late was evident on Clark’s tired face. He continued, visibly frustrated, “I can’t even go investigate the clues on-site. We need to understand what happened to us.”

“I might be able to help with that too. I also went to the top of the building where I think we were attacked. I’m pretty sure I found the right place. And I found something. I’m not sure if it will help us, but look.” She pulled a small button from her pocket. “Look, it has the Marine symbol on it.”

Lois took it and examined it closely.

“I wrote an article on this when I first started at the Planet, remember?” she asked Ultrawoman.

“Yes, they’re specific to each unit and each year. The differences are quite limited, but they help identify when the soldier served.”

“Great, now that we have a lead, how do we handle all this? Superman not showing up is not really a problem; it wouldn’t be the first time he disappears for a few days… But those who shot at me were probably expecting to neutralize me. Given Ultrawoman’s report, it’s likely the Red Kryptonite is to blame… but the double ray and duplication are new. — Clark took a deep breath — We need to consider what this implies… I think we have no choice. You can’t ignore the calls, but could you take me with you so my helplessness isn’t too noticeable? Two Lois’s in town won’t go unnoticed. You should stay as Ultrawoman all the time, so no one suspects anything…”

The two Lois’s looked at each other, nodded, and… burst into laughter… Clark babbled… it was so unusual, it betrayed his deep anxiety.

Ultrawoman addressed Lois:
“I think he’s under pressure. Come on.”

They stood up and each gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then they pressed their foreheads against his temples. Clark closed his eyes, savoring the moment and regaining his composure. They knew him so well.

They agreed on a plan of action for the day. Although none of them knew exactly what lay ahead, they were ready to face the situation together.

### Chapter 8: Undercover

**Daily Planet**

Thirty minutes later, Lois was sitting at her desk when Clark approached with a coffee, handing it to her.

“Thanks,” she replied, meeting his loving gaze.

“I started looking into the Marine buttons. Can you draft the article about the fire?”

“Yes, of course,” she replied, kissing him on the cheek before settling into her desk.

Perry emerged from his office and approached his favorite reporters.

“Lois, Clark, I need the follow-up from yesterday for the afternoon edition.”

“Yes, boss. We also have an article on the arson at the Baker Orphanage.”

“That’s my reporters!”

He turned back to his office but halfway there called out, “And the accident on the Metropolis bridge? I heard a certain Ultrawoman made a reappearance… got any info?”

“Uh, no Perry, not yet,” Lois answered.

“Keep on it, kids! She’s a friend of Superman, isn’t she?”

He finished his walk to his office, leaving the question hanging in the newsroom.

Sometimes Clark thought Perry might know his secret. It didn’t really bother him; it was actually quite comforting, saving him from having to justify his many disappearances. And Perry didn’t lose much; he still got most of the stories.

“Yes!” Lois exclaimed.

Clark looked up from his screen to see his wife excitedly. He got up and joined her to see what had her so worked up.

On her screen was an exact copy of the button found by Ultrawoman.

“Look, this uniform was used in Kuwait during the Gulf War by snipers.”

She didn’t let him respond and shouted, “Jimmy!”

Jimmy rushed over:

“Can you find the names of all the snipers who participated in the Gulf War in Kuwait? See if they’re still in the army and what they’re currently doing otherwise.”

“Consider it done!”

Clark turned to Lois, “In the meantime, would you edit my article?”

“I get privileges now?”

“You’ve always had privileges, Lois,” he replied with the smile that made her melt.

She didn’t have a chance to respond as a familiar whoosh sound echoed, and Ultrawoman entered the newsroom through the stairs, right next to the elevator. She walked confidently toward them, and the entire newsroom froze, trying to figure out her direction and the reason for her presence. It had been almost two years since the superheroine made a brief appearance in Metropolis, disappearing as quickly as she had appeared. Many speculations had arisen, but no one had confirmation or denial; Superman avoided all questions on the subject, stating that his private life was, by definition, private. The steely look he gave during those moments was enough to stop questions, which soon dwindled and disappeared completely. Metropolitans had forgotten their savior, which suited Lois and Clark perfectly.

“Lois, Clark, may I see you privately?”

Clark nodded and led the two women to the conference room.

All eyes followed them, and once the door was closed, they also closed the blinds. Privacy was complete: whispers were heard and no one was focused on their work. Perry emerged from his office and called everyone to order:

“I don’t think your articles for the afternoon edition are on my desk. Either get back to work or you’re fired!”

He turned back to his office, smiling, enjoying making his newsroom tremble, and a scoop was in preparation in the conference room. The day couldn’t have been better.

In the conference room, the three conspirators also enjoyed the situation. The small plan they had prepared at breakfast was going wonderfully. They just needed to write the article for the afternoon edition: “Superman on Secret Mission: Ultrawoman Steps In to Protect Metropolis!”

Ultrawoman explained that she had been tasked by Superman to replace him on Earth during his undercover mission. Having greatly enjoyed her previous visit to Metropolis, she had gladly accepted. Ultrawoman also came from Krypton and was a very good friend of Superman. She would do her best to help the Metropolitans and Earthlings if needed.

The article was typed at super speed by Ultrawoman. She also shared her morning rescues, mentioning she had been shaken by a young boy drowning in a pool, although she arrived just in time to save him. Clark did his best to reassure her, explaining that everything she was doing was enough, and what mattered was that she had saved the child who was now doing very well. He held her in his arms, and to dry her tears, lifted the mask over her eyes, which she removed completely.

Lois informed her that they were looking for a sniper who had participated in the Kuwait War.

Just as Ultrawoman was about to ask a follow-up question, Jimmy knocked and entered the conference room without waiting for a reply. Ultrawoman, having removed her mask when she was crying, quickly turned to hide her uncovered face.

“I have the list of snipers; there were 183.”

“That’s quite a list,” Lois replied.

“Yes, but I was able to narrow it down to 30 who left the army…”

“And do you know where they live?”

“…and only 10 live

in this state, with 7 in Metropolis.”

“Last known activity?”

“Two are building experts, one opened a gun shop, another a shooting club, one is in the police. The last two have no known activity. They are—” he looked at his sheet—“Peter Huge and… Oliver Brown.”

“Brown?” Clark asked. “Can you please check if there is a connection to the escaped convict from yesterday’s Metropolis prison?”

Jimmy nodded before leaving the room, casting a glance at Ultrawoman.

Last edited by Aurore; 08/25/24 09:09 AM.