Clark Kent stared out at his classroom, willing one of his students to twitch perceptively enough to legitimately call it a raised hand. Most of the class was glancing desperately at the clock, or shrinking into their chairs. A few girls near the front had their chins resting on their hands, gazing up at him with near predatory gazes. That unnerved him slightly, but finally a quiet girl named Kaitlin raised her hand timidly.
Pleased that the normally reserved girl was finally speaking, Clark immediately called on her.
"The l-light represents a divine judgment, as if God is b-baring their sins for a verdict. When their hands join, it's a symbol of them mutually a-acknowledging each other."
Clark Kent is a teacher
Lois slid into her seat in Mrs. Redwick's class just as the bell finished ringing. As the old woman stared at her, Lois stared right back, refusing to be intimidated.
"Miss… Lane, is it?" she began. Lois tensed. This was never good. Throughout the morning, none of her teachers had made her do anything too embarrassing. Miss Garza had told her to stand and say her name and where she was from, but that was easy enough. This woman, Mrs. Redwick, looked like she ate kids for lunch.
"Miss Lane, please stand and tell us about yourself and your expectations for this year."
Inwardly rolling her eyes, Lois gave Mrs. Redwick her most polite smile — one anyone close to her would instantly recognize as totally fake — and stood to face her bored classmates.
And Lois a student.
Teaching Indecency by Laura SFDK Thread