I've been stuck in my MAWS era for a while but was going through my google docs and found this one.
A little added scene for 'Metallo' after the Frozen Yogurt incident.
And please remember the 90's was a fat phobic time.
Lois wiped the sweat from her forehead and tossed her towel aside. She took a long sip from her water bottle and made her way to her bedroom, flicking her stereo off as she passed it.
The loud, energetic workout music now silenced, Lois felt her body begin to calm and her heart rate slow. Her thoughts returned to earlier in the day, to the moment that prompted the intense desire to work out this evening.
Stupid Clark. And his stupid, unfunny, hick humor.
Lois studied herself in her full-length closet mirror.
“I look amazing!” she reminded herself.
Sure, she could use a shower, and her hair needed a good wash, but aside from that, she looked pretty damn good!
Even in her ratty old workout gear.
She posed a few times for herself. “Definitely not fat…”
A firm knock on her apartment door made her jump.
“Coming!” she yelled.
Moving from her bedroom to the living area, she grabbed her towel and dabbed at her forehead again before looking through her peephole.
“Clark?” His giant, grinning head filled the peephole, and she rolled her eyes. Even though she was miffed at him, she couldn’t help but smile as she unlocked the door and pulled it open.
“Hi,” he greeted her, his grin fading into a soft smile. His eyes swept over her body briefly before meeting hers again. “Been working out?”
“Yeah, no big deal…” Lois held the door open for him to enter.
“I bought you something.” He thrust a brown paper bag toward her.
Lois raised her eyebrows. “What?” She took the bag from him, opened it cautiously, and looked inside.
Clark closed the apartment door behind him and cleared his throat. “I felt bad that my joke backfired earlier…and I just wanted to assure you that I do not think you’re… fat.” He cringed at his words, his eyes avoiding hers. “And that even if you were larger…um…bigger…” he trailed off, looking flustered, adjusting his glasses nervously. “…what I mean to say is….”
“Is…?” Lois prompted, one eyebrow raised as she pulled a small carton from the paper bag.
He exhaled. “Is that you’re beautiful and brilliant, and I wouldn’t care if—“
“You bought me frozen yogurt?” Lois interrupted his nervous ramblings, holding the carton of dessert up to inspect.
She laughed and punched his arm. “Come on.” She gestured for him to follow her.
“Does this mean I’m forgiven?” Clark followed her to the kitchen, hovering close to her as she busied herself, opening the carton of yogurt.
“Depends.” She pulled two spoons from her cutlery drawer.
Lois handed him a spoon and offered him the carton.
“Just how long you can keep talking about how beautiful and brilliant I am.”
The End
FDK can go below if you so like 😊