Happy Anniversary Ficlet Friday!

Yay! It is so cool to see a story by you on the boards! clap

I am a fan of Michaels Landes. First season Jimmy was more mature and willing to see his career grow. Second Jimmy's character and his career seemed to be permanently stuck at gopher for everyone in the newsroom.

He’d heard they were looking to buy a house, a place to finally call their own. When the time was right, he’d give them this picture as a housewarming gift. And if he ever decided to share his secret, he could simply tell them to look behind the photo.

As he turned off the light and lay back on his bed, he felt a strange sense of peace. Maybe he would never tell. Maybe they didn’t need to know. But he’d said what he needed to say, and that was enough. For now.

Reading this I could see Michael Landes, smiling and happy that his friends' secret was safe with him. You are correct, I wish we could have seen Jimmy telling them how thankful he was for saving his life.

Hope to see more great writing from you in the days ahead.

Last edited by Morgana; 11/10/24 04:56 PM. Reason: Edits


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.