This is an old story. I didn't find FDK thread, so I created one: Anybody's Baby by Annie M.

Full story: Anybody's Baby


*A new year
"Happy New Year, Clark," Lois whispered over chants of, "5…4…3…2…"

"Happy New Year, Lois," Clark whispered in return.

*A newborn baby
"Lois, taking care of a newborn is exhausting. Besides, I know you didn't get much sleep last night, and tonight isn't going to be any better. Just sleep whenever he does."

*A new house
"Ah, yes. The new house," Charlotte said. "When are you moving in?"

*A new job
My friend Maggie, in New York City, said that I could stay with her, and she's got a job lined up for me.

*A new lifestyle
She was back in school now, taking evening and weekend classes. She was scheduled to graduate in a year and half, and the way things were looking, law school was a definite possibility. Lois shook her head trying to replace the image of her free-spirited little sister with the picture of a high-powered attorney.
Doers that count?

*A resolution (kept or not)
When she and Clark had gone looking for a tree she told herself she would choose a beautiful tree and have a beautiful Christmas. Well, it may not have been the most beautiful tree on the lot, but she couldn't just leave it there…and her Christmas had turned out to be pretty wonderful after all.
And this one?

*A new (anything not listed above)
"I'm so glad David won the election," Lois said as they entered the ballroom of the Lexor hotel; red, white, and blue balloons and steamers mixed among signs proclaiming 'Montero for Mayor.'

"So am I. I think he's going make a really great Mayor."
A new Mayor?

Sorry for the question. I guess I didn't pay enough attention. peep


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15