Good Night, Lois - Fly With Me

“Almost there,” I say quietly as Ireland’s shore comes into view.

Lois looks at me and sighs. “Can't we just go on flying? I hear Japan is a nice place, too. I’d hate having to say goodbye to you just yet.“

I shake my head and chuckle, though I feel the same ache deep in my chest. The past few days have been wonderful, despite Trask, despite getting shot, despite the fear and pain it brought to both of us.

Because she didn't listen to me and got Sheriff Rachel Harris anyway who rescued us all by shooting Trask when he tried to kill me one last time. Because she saved my life twice in the span of a few hours. Because she tended to the wound in my arm after Trask's bullet had grazed me.
Most of all because she’s always at my side whenever I need her, lifting my spirit when I'm feeling down. It took me another day to heal completely and get my powers back. Secretly I wish it would have taken longer than that. Just a few more days in Neverland where fantasy is reality, where Lois and I have a future.

“I'll miss you, too,” I mutter thickly.

She wraps her arms tighter around my neck and presses her face against my skin. I cradle her closer, drinking in the feeling of her body snuggled in my arms.

I love her.

I'm in love with her.

But that's a secret I'm going to seal in my heart until one day I may be ready to tell her. It wouldn't be fair to burden her with that admission now. She's too young for a lifetime commitment. Her adult life has barely begun. She needs to spread her wings and make her own experiences.

And should she really still want me then, my heart will always be hers for the taking.

“You'll have a great time in Ireland,” I say softly. “Remember how much you have been looking forward to this exchange.”

“Yeah,” she mumbles without much enthusiasm.

For a while she just stares ahead, lost in her thoughts until I’m beginning to wonder if she’s going to say another word. Does she think I want to get rid of her? Is she hurt because I didn’t encourage her to stay with me?

During these past few days we have been a lot closer than we used to be. We fell asleep together in the treehouse and I woke up with Lois snuggled against my chest, her arm wrapped around me. That was when I realized that I want to wake up with her like this every day for the rest of my life.

I still remember her hug, right after Rachel saved me from getting shot a second time. Tighter than anything we ever shared. The feel of her lips on my cheek will forever be engraved in my mind.

“Clark!” She suddenly grounds out, clearly at the verge of crying. “How could I say goodbye to you after everything that just happened? I was so scared I’d lose you. Trask - he shot you! I thought my heart would stop when I saw that you were bleeding.”

“Hey, he won’t hurt anyone ever again,” I whisper. “Nobody else knows about that crystal and I threw it into the sun.”
“What if there’s more?”

The thought makes my stomach clench with dread. “Then I’ll deal with it.”

She gives me a weak smile and runs her hand through my hair. In moments like this, I see the child in her again.

“Will you come over from time to time and say ‘Good Night, Lois?’”

I laugh and shake my head. “I’m pretty sure you don’t want me to appear at any of your Sophomore parties.”

She winks at me. “As Superman? That party would sure go down in history.” Her gaze softens and she pecks my cheek. “But I think I prefer Peter Pan.”

Last edited by bakasi; 03/01/25 03:01 AM.

It's never too dark to be cool. cool